LifePak CR2 Essential Defibrillator uses simple graphics, audible instructions, and automated features to help users begin lifesaving care in just 2 steps. CPR coaching gives users the confidence to perform CPR correctly. Both trained and untrained AED users clearly know how to begin and where to place electrode pads. It provides instructions for adult and paediatric CPR, including feedback when no CPR is detected, rate and depth guidance, a metronome and instructions on hand placement. The Fully Automatic AED will deliver shocks without requiring user intervention.
LIFEPAK® CR2 Fully-Automatic Essential AED
Manufacturer Warranty: 8 years
Device IP Classification: IP55
Fully-Automatic: Delivers a shock automatically, when appropriate with Shock Advisory System™
Adult Joules: User-configurable from 150J to 360J
Child Joules: User-configurable from 35J to 90J
Time to shock following CPR: <13 seconds
CPR Technology: cprCOACH™ Feedback Technology provides CPR coaching on technique and correct depth.
Connectivity: Via USB
Dual language: Configured for two languages
Battery Life: 4 years
Electrode Pad Life: 4 years
Child Mode: Yes with Child Mode Button
Display: Easy-to-understand Visual and Voice prompts
Automatic Self-test: Daily, weekly and monthly
Product Dimensions: H [22.6cm] x W [27.4cm] x D [9.7cm]
Weight: 2.0kg